Neck Lift Surgery Procedure & Facelift Surgeon in Los Angeles | LA Body Sculpture ...

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Neck Lift

Neck Lift

Neck Lift

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Beverly Hills and Tarzana, CA

A neck lift is a cosmetic surgery that addresses signs of aging in the neck. Neck lift procedures are also known as platysmaplasties and cervicoplasties. The neck is one of the first and most common areas to show signs of aging.(1) As we age, our skin loses elasticity and fat deposits accumulate around the neck, giving it a sagging, droopy appearance. A neck lift can help to improve the look of the neck by removing excess fat and skin and tightening the underlying muscles. This can result in a more youthful, defined neckline. My name is Dr. Obaida Batal, and as an experienced, cosmetic surgeon, I’ve helped patients throughout Southern California achieve their ideal necks with neck lifts. On a personal level, I sincerely know what it means to feel self-conscious about your neck. I myself have that insecurity! However, understanding the causes behind signs of aging in the neck and how we can improve it is key to relieving that anxiety. Contact Batal Plastic surgery offices in Tarzana or Beverly Hills to schedule a personal consultation to learn more, and what benefits this procedure can offer you. You can reach us by calling (310) 230-5911, or filling out our online form at your convenience.

Before and After Photos

Young Patients with a Full Neck

I must differentiate the young people who have fullness in the neck and lack jawline definition from those whose neck has been affected by the aging process. Neck fullness in younger patients is caused by several factors:

  • Fat underneath the skin. It is easily addressed with simple liposuction and that is enough in 30% of patients.
  • Fat underneath the platysma muscle: this is called deep fat. There is no way for liposuction to get this fat, and it’s dangerous to even attempt. The only way we can address it is by making a simple incision underneath the mentum (chin) and surgically dissecting that fat from the surrounding anatomical structures like digastric muscles and deep cervical fascia. That, along with superficial liposuction, can produce significant improvements in the neck contour and improve jawline definition.
  • Descending or large submandibular glands: I am one of the people who have a larger or descending submandibular gland. Even if I keep pushing it up, it keeps drooping downwards. Only a few subsets of surgeons are trained and skilled enough to dissect this area and remove part of the gland to level it with the jaw. Addressing the gland can make all the difference for certain patients. 
  • Bulky digastric muscles. It is easy to deal with by shaving some of those muscles if the surgeon is already in the deep plane and already cleaned the deep fat pad. 
  • Low hyoid bone. This occurs in 5% of patients. There is little we can do about it. It is the genetic lottery that will give the patients some oblique neck. The surgeon can release the fascia above the bone to relax the tension and improve that part in addition to the steps above. 

As I stated above, in younger patients, the treatment is tailored to their unique anatomical structure and can range from simple liposuction to deep debulking. I only do incisions behind the ear in 30-40% of patients if there is laxity of the platysma and the skin.

Aging and the Neck

As we age, our neck muscles weaken and the skin over top becomes looser, causing a saggy “turkey neck” appearance. The muscles of the neck are called the platysma, and stretch from our collarbones to our jawline. When we are young, they are firm and tight and exist as a solid swathe of musculature. However, as we age, they weaken and separate, creating the appearance of vertical bands. Excess fat accumulation under the weakened neck muscle results in a bulky, less defined chin and jawline.(1) It also leads to the appearance of a “wattle,” due to separated muscles under the chin. Unfortunately, liposuction is ineffective in extracting this sub-platysmal fat (fat under the platysma or neck muscle). This is why a neck lift and neck “de-bulking” can contour a better jawline. In addition to the underlying tissues of the neck, a neck lift also addresses loose or sagging skin on the neck. I use advanced techniques to ensure that the procedure is safe and effective.

A neck lift procedure is tailored to each patient’s unique needs, but typically includes incisions around the ear and beneath the chin to access the underlying muscle. Once healed, the scars are nearly invisible, and patients have smoother contours and the ideal cervicomental angle – the angle that is created where the underside of the chin meets the neck.

Benefits of a Neck Lift

Patients that are considering a neck lift can expect the following benefits:

  • Improved definition of the neck and jawline
  • Removal of excess fat and skin
  • Tightening of the underlying muscles
  • A more youthful, rejuvenated appearance
  • Improved self-confidence


Ideal candidates for a neck lift are healthy adults who want to improve the appearance of their neck and jawline. An individual may be a good candidate if they:

  • Have excess fat and/or skin on the neck, which can make them appear heavier and older than they really are.
  • Are unhappy with the creases and wrinkles on their neck, and a sinewy appearance when they tense their muscles.

It is important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of your procedure. While a neck lift can provide a more refreshed and youthful appearance, it cannot stop the natural aging process. It is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle after your surgery to preserve your results.

The best way to determine whether a neck lift is right for you is to schedule a consultation. Together, we’ll discuss your needs, and I’ll be able to evaluate your neck structure, understand your goals, and customize your procedure plan.

Personal Consultation

At Body by Batal, my staff and I are dedicated to providing personalized, quality care. We understand the importance of feeling confident in your appearance, and so we all make the extra effort to make sure you feel comfortable and at ease during your consultation!

During your consultation, I’ll review your medical history and ask questions about your desired outcome for the procedure. I’ll examine your neck, and attend to the underlying muscles, fat deposits, and condition of your skin. I will perform multiple maneuvers to ascertain the location of the fat percentage underneath the skin or underneath the muscle as they are managed differently. I will also examine your hyoid bone and submandibular gland. Then, we’ll be able to discuss possible solutions, and I’ll be able to answer any questions that you have. You’ll get a clear idea of what to expect before, during, and after your surgery so that you can make a confident and informed decision about how to proceed.

If you are considering a neck lift to improve the appearance of your neck and jawline, contact my offices today to schedule a consultation and together, we can get started on your goals.


My team and I thoroughly prepare patients for their procedures so that they have the best possible experience. Leading up to your surgery, you’ll be given a personalized list of instructions to follow. Before a neck lift, we typically recommend that all patients:

  • Stop using any and all tobacco products several weeks before your procedure. You may be tested for nicotine before your surgery.
  • Picking up the medication you’ll be prescribed. We give patients gabapentine, ibuprofen and hydrocodone for post operative pain. We also use gabapentin before surgery as it is shown to decrease pain during and after surgery by 50% if given before.
  • Arrange for a supportive friend or family member to drive you to and from your surgery and stay with you for the night after your procedure 


Your neck lift will take place in our state-of-the-art surgical facility, and you will receive the appropriate anesthesia to keep you comfortable and pain-free during your procedure. Once the area has been marked for treatment, and the anesthesia has taken effect, the surgical team and I will get started. Neck lift surgeries typically take about two hours. Depending on your treatment plan, I’ll make incisions in a location where they will be well-concealed. An incision near the crease where the underside of the chin meets the neck allows access to tighten and restore separated platysmal muscles, and remove fat. If the crease is a bit deep and visible, then find the most invisible area under the chin. I infiltrate the skin and subcutaneous tissues with tumescent fluid which numbs the tissues and allows me to perform hydro dissection and close the small blood vessels. Liposuction is done first if needed. As I stated above, it could be all that is needed! If I know of submuscular fullness, I will incise the muscle at the midline and dissect the fat pad from the deeper digastric muscles, and deep cervical fascia. If the digastric muscles are bulky, I shave them, then I evaluate the submandibular gland again, If I find that the glands are bulging, then I carefully incise the superficial fibrous layer surrounding it and inject it with epinephrine and lidocaine and I carefully transect it. I also release the fascia from the hyoid bone to improve the appearance. The platysma muscle then closed with separate sutures. This is called platysmaplasty, which is the best treatment for platysmal bands. Doing interrupted sutures as supposed to continuous sutures will help keep the entire length of the muscle. This will eliminate the appearance of a “turkey wattle” or double chin, and create smooth definition for the chin and front of the neck. 

In about 40% of younger patients who are in their mid-thirties to mid-forties, I usually notice laxity of the muscles and the skin on the sides of the neck. For those patients, I add incisions behind the ears and extend them into the lower hairline. The skin is separated from the underlying tissue and muscles, which are lifted and tightened, smoothing the contours of the neck.(3) This technique is called a platysmal hammock. The skin is redraped, and any excess is trimmed away before the incisions are sutured closed. Once we’ve finished, your incisions will be dressed, and you’ll be placed in a supportive head and chin strap. After we’ve monitored you in a recovery room and approved your release to your appointed caretaker, you’ll be able to return home and begin your recovery.

The majority of my neck lifts are done under local anesthesia with IV sedation ranging from light, to moderate, to deep sedation. When the procedure is done, the patient has no immediate pain and they are numb. 

Neck lifts are often performed at the same time as a facelift since the incisions used to lift the tissues of the lower face can be extended so that loose skin on the neck can be removed as well. 


Along with advanced surgical techniques, local anesthesia also allows patients to enjoy a shorter, more comfortable recovery from their neck lift. You will receive personalized recovery instructions to help you accomplish your best recovery and results. Bruising, swelling, and mild soreness are to be expected following your neck lift. However, your recovery instructions will include approved methods of controlling any post-procedure discomfort. I encourage all my patients to take short, frequent walks over their recovery period to promote healthy blood flow. Most patients are able to return to work and light activity within five to seven days of their procedure! Exercise can be resumed in a week. We’ll discuss your personal recovery timeline during your pre-operative appointments, and your progress will be monitored during regular follow-up appointments.


You may notice an improvement in the contour of your neck immediately after your neck lift surgery. However, your neck will continue to slim down as post-procedure swelling subsides. You can expect your results to improve for up to three to six months following your neck lift.

The result? A younger-looking, more toned neck! Patients who maintain an active lifestyle, good skincare, and a healthy diet will enjoy their results for many years to come.

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures

Neck lifts are a popular addition to a facelift procedure. The lower face and neck can be adjusted through the same incisions. Because these areas are some of the first (and most obvious) places to display signs of aging, patients enjoy a much more substantial rejuvenation when they are addressed together. It’s often the best way to restore clear jawline definition. 

How Much Does a Neck Lift Cost in Beverly Hills?

Like most cosmetic surgeries, the total cost of a neck lift will vary slightly depending on the unique treatment plan of each patient. 

I am aware of surgeons in my neighborhood who charge $35,000-$60,000 for neck lifts. 

However, you’ll be given an accurate estimate of the total cost and a comprehensive breakdown of the associated expenses and fees following your personal consultation. 

Here is the average for my practice:

  • High-definition liposuction of the neck and the jawline with laser and power-assisted lipo is $2000-$2700
  • High-definition liposuction of neck and jaw in addition to helium plasma skin tightening: $3000-$3500
  • High-definition liposuction in addition to deep (sub-platysmal) neck fat debulking with possible submandibular gland shaving neck lift: $6000-$8500
  • All the above plus adding incisions behind the ear for skin removal and platysmal hammock: $7500-$11500


What Is The Difference Between A Neck Lift And A Facelift?

Most deep-plane facelifts should be accompanied by a neck lift. Neck lifts could be done alone without a facelift in some patients. Central neck lifts are mainly debulking the neck; the tissues get lifted by themselves without force. A neck lift focuses specifically on the neck and lower jawline. A neck lift addresses excess skin and fat, as well as laxity in the underlying muscles and connective tissues. A facelift, on the other hand, focuses on the mid and lower face. Facelifts address wrinkles and sagging skin in the cheeks, jowls, and chin areas.

How Much Does A Neck Lift Cost?

Most deep-plane facelifts should be accompanied by a neck lift. Neck lifts could be done alone without a facelift in some patients. Central neck lifts are mainly debulking the neck; the tissues get lifted by themselves without force. A neck lift focuses specifically on the neck and lower jawline. A neck lift addresses excess skin and fat, as well as laxity in the underlying muscles and connective tissues. A facelift, on the other hand, focuses on the mid and lower face. Facelifts address wrinkles and sagging skin in the cheeks, jowls, and chin areas.

Is Neck Lift Surgery Safe?

It is a safe procedure. There is a small risk of fluid collection, which is usually drained immediately, and bleeding risk is minimal, especially if I used the net technique, which is placing sutures over the skin (like a bag of avocados). The sutures are removed the following day. There is a small risk of irritating the marginal mandibular nerve, but this can be avoided with mechanical stretch, heat (from helium plasma), or cautery. Most patients recover within a few months. 

Can A Neck Lift Reduce Wrinkles?

Yes, a neck lift is an effective way to reduce wrinkles in the neck and lower jawline. Platysmaplasty and cervicoplasty can both improve the appearance of wrinkles caused by sun damage or genetics. Skin resurfacing could still be necessary for the lines in the skin.


  1. Cardoso de Castro, MD, C. (2003, May). Neck Lift.; Aesthetic Surgery Journal.
  2. Weinstein, A. L., & Nahai, F. (2021). A layered approach to neck lift. Plastic and Aesthetic Research, 2021.
  3. Mejia, J., Nahai, F., Nahai, F., & Momoh, A. (2009). Isolated Management of the Aging Neck. Seminars in Plastic Surgery, 23(04), 264–273.

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