Neck, Jawline, & Chin Liposuction in Beverly Hills ...

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Neck, Jawline, & Chin Lipo

Neck, Jawline, & Chin Lipo

Neck and Jawline Liposuction

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Beverly Hills and Tarzana, CA

Patients who are self-conscious about a “double-chin” report improved confidence after liposuction.

Fluctuations in body weight as well as just the natural aging process lead to a bulky neck or double chin as the underlying muscle loses tone and fat accumulates. Liposuction with platysmaplasty may reduce the size of fatty jowls and the double chin as well as tighten the neck muscles to create a stronger and more contoured jawline.

Before and After Photos


Patients seeking to reduce the overall size of their neck or create a more pronounced chin and jawline are ideal candidates for liposuction. Dr. Batal specializes in neck and jawline contouring by removing fat under the muscle that drapes the neck to create a smooth and graceful profile.


A minimum of 5-7 days of downtime is needed for the initial recovery. During this time, patients will be required to wear compression garments 24/7 to reduce swelling and promote healing. Mild bruising will also be noticeable for the first 1-2 weeks. Most patients can return to work or their normal routine within 2 weeks after surgery.

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